El Salvador godkänner lag om utgivning av digitala tillgångar

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved the Digital Assets Issuance Law, a framework that will allow the country to issue crypto-related debt instruments. The approved law, which was passed thanks to the majority that President Nayib Bukele has in Congress,…

Världsbankens rapport förutspår en dyster global ekonomisk utsikt, Citerar "ogynnsam utveckling" och "långvarig avmattning"

Det är Jan. 10, 2023, the World Bank published its Global Economic Prospects report, stating that the outlook for the global economy and future economic conditions is bleak. According to the report, 2023 growth forecasts have been cut across the board, med…

Guldpriserna förväntas skjuta i höjden 2023: Experter förutspår rekordnivåer för ädelmetall

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% mot U.S.A. dollar. Over the past 65 dagar, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%

"Oljepriser norr om 200 dollar" per fat - investerare förväntar sig att olja kommer att "krossa" varje investering i 2023

Amid the dreary global economy, a number of market strategists and analysts believe oil will be the number one investment in 2023. While a barrel of oil is coasting along at prices between $80.12 och $85 per enhet, Goldman Sachs analysts

Som Fed vänder 109 År gammal, den amerikanska dollarns köpkraft urholkas med mer än 96% Sedan det skapades

109 years ago, USA. Federal Reserve was created and ever since that day, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has dropped a great deal. Since the Fed started, mer än 96% of the greenbacks purchasing power has been erased

FX-strateger från Citi Say Euro Could Sink till $0.86 om makroturbulensen fortsätter

While the euro has found support between 0.96 till 0.97 nominal U.S. dollars per unit, foreign exchange (FX) strategists from Citi believe the euro could tap a low of around $0.86 against the greenback. While the dollar slumped on October 13,

Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

S&P Global Report säger att EU och Storbritannien befinner sig i en lågkonjunktur, Putin tycker att väst är girigt

I dag’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’s…

Bitcoin-omfamnande El Salvadors presidents omvalsförklaring slogs ned

Just over a year after overseeing El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin, the Central American countrys 41-year-old president, Nayib Bukele, recently declared his intention serve another five-year term. The announcement has been criticized by some who have been quick to remind Bukele

230 Ekonomer varnar att den amerikanska regeringens föreslagna lag om inflationsminskning kommer att driva på inflationen

Last week, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the